Juvenile probation running short on detention funds

Sunday, July 20, 2014

With juvenile detention funds about to run out, the Putnam County Council is looking into funding solutions for the rest of the year.

Juvenile detention officer Renee Marsteller reported to the council at its Tuesday, July 15 meeting that the $45,000 budgeted for detention is down to $4,183 as of June 30.

Part of the problem is that it is not a cost the county can control. When youths need to be detained, it must be done out of county, and the costs are set.

No action was taken this month, as the additional appropriation will have to be advertised. However, the council is likely to take $15,000 from the County Adjusted Gross Income Tax fund.

The council also established or reestablished three different county funds.

The animal control fund was established as part of the county's ongoing animal control efforts. The council also approved a change to the county-option dog tax, which will be $5 per dog, with $1 going to Purdue University.

The council also re-created the cumulative jail fund. While the fund had never entirely gone away, no tax was levied for the fund in 2014, so the move reestablished the fund for 2015.

The council also had a public hearing on the establishment of a vending machine revenue fund. Money from vending machine sales in the courthouse fund sending flowers when family members of courthouse employees pass away. It also funds the courthouse holiday party.

Council also gave authority to Auditor Lorie Hallett and Assessor Nancy Dennis to fill vacant positions in their offices. In filling the positions, both officials were also authorized to redistribute the salaries in their offices.

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